Beautiful pics of Nadine Velazquez and Nasim Pedrad feet & legs

Nadine El. Velazquez (born Nadine Elizabeth Velazquez) is an American actress, model and TV personality. She was a part of My Name Is Earl's Catalina Aruca and The League as Sofia Ruxin. In addition, she has appeared in movies such as War, Flight and Snitch and also as a member on the TV series Major Crimes. People who watch movies are used to seeing her dramatic side starring alongside Denzel Washington in Robert Zemeckis directed Flight (2012) and as also in the action-thriller Snitch (2013), where she starred as "'Analisa". The wife of Dwayne. She appeared in Universal's blockbuster hit [tt2869728] in 2016 opposite Ice Cube. She also appeared in The Bounce Back (2017) opposite Shemar. Nasim Pedrad is an American comedian, actress, writer, and singer. Pedrad has been part of the NBC sketch comedy show and the variety program Saturday Night Live since 2009. Nasim is most famous for her role as an American comedian, actor and well-known for her Saturday Night Live impressions. She started her off on the small screen and Gilmore Girls (2005), The Winner (2007) and It`s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2009). Other roles she has played are Saturday Night Live, which she played from 2009 until the year 2014.

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